
This is how the 'Maindata' resources work in our proposed structure: Each Citizen has a Maindata container in their own Pod As of now these contain one resource: maindata.ttl

Example: maindata.ttl
<>  <>    "Florian Gudat".

<>  <>   "Florian".

<>  <>    "Gudat".

<>  <>   "Sir".

<>  <>    "".

The purpose of this resource is to be used with other service providers such as the Tax Office App. It is not the same as the profile resource of the WebID

Tax Data

Tax form data is saved in separate Pods for each citizen and can be accessed by that person, but not changed.


To enable information flow between Government Apps, such as the Tax Office app and Citizens, each citizen Pod has an inbox Container. If there are new documents a message will be sent to the public inbox.

Example: message.ttl

A message contains metadata using the type. This contains information about sender, recipient and timestamp.

Additional information is given in rdf syntax

    a                              <> ;
    <>   "2023-07-13T12:00:00.000Z"^^<> ;
    <>  <> ;
    <>     <> ;
    <>       "Your Tax Data has been uploaded to your Pod at the Tax Office" .

    <>  <> ;
    <>    <> .